POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.binaries.animations : Heat waves : Heat waves Server Time
2 Nov 2024 05:21:16 EDT (-0400)
  Heat waves  
From: Tom A 
Date: 12 Jul 2002 15:01:11
Message: <3D2F2776.BF63C0BC@my-deja.com>
Over on .general a month or so ago, someone was asking about heat waves
- the wavy lines that are generated by heat above a road.  That got me
thinking, and here I present my first animation to show it.

Basic method - a sine-wave isosurface object with clear pigment, an
IOR,  and a clock controlled motion of the wave.

Drawback - the edges were visible - so I stretched the heat wave across
the picture, but don't think that's the most "realistic" look.  

The blob person on the road gets really distorted, but that's supposed
to happen.

The isosurface I used:

isosurface {
    function{  y - cos((pi*clock+x)*9)/2}  // wave function modified by
the clock
    contained_by { box { -2, 7 } }   
    pigment{ Clear }   
    interior{ ior 1.02}    

Tom A.
Avon: I'm going to reprogram this computer.
Jenna: It still won't make you likable. - Blake 7
Deja mail is gone.  Look for me at raugost at yahoo . com

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